ワークシート(ブログ Go Sample Company より抜粋)


<第8回> 継続は力なり


















Consistency seems to me an underrated quality. Some people have great potential but cannot utilize their potential due to lack of consistency. Some people are over achievers due to their consistent effort.

When you do things on a consistence basis, you inevitably achieve something. Something that cannot be achieved by talent only. What you learn thru the process is very valuable. This something can be explained and duplicated to other fields of challenges. 

Talent may awe people, but consistency moves people. I wish to be a person regarded as consistent.


<第7回> ワーク&ライフバランス

















Work life balance is very important for me. I hope you can balance life and work at Two Miles. 

Life work balance is not as much as about the time, but the quality of time you use. There are certain minimum time you need for both, but you want to maximize the quality of time you use for both. This is what I focus on. I work as much as it takes to get the most out of it, and also take time with my family, friends, and other things as much as it needs. As you consciously make efforts to maximize the time on and off work, I believe you can be good at both.

Also, work life balance is not something equal to everybody. It depends on the personalities, strengths, and seasons of life. 

For some of you, I would like to encourage you to take on more. Work as much as you can. Make sure you learn from each work and don’t try to take short cuts. You guys all have potential to be a star, but you need to pay the price for it. It is either paying it now or later. Do it while you can.

For some of you, life is something that requires more attention than work. That is fine. Be open about it and let us all help you achieve you ideal. 

Again, quality of life is something that we strive for. It is not handed to us. Also this is something that requires help from others. Also it is not only the quantity but the quality. One life to live!


<第6回> 忍耐
















Change is often very frustrating.

We are living in an imperfect world. Most things do not go the way we want. That is why worthy changes are challenging.

Probably the most challenging thing about change is that it involves people. People will not change their ways very easily. Even for simple changes such as workpapers, and work process, actual implementation is not that simple. When it comes to intangible matters, it will be much more challenging. Any one who has tried to make a change knows this. If you don't know this, you have not tried to be a leader. However, even if you have not tried to be a leader, you know what I mean if you JSAT about leading yourself. Yourself is the hardest one to lead. You will have probably reached your dream already if you were always able to lead yourself.

You will need to understand this and be very patient when you lead. You will probably have to say the same thing, show the same thing, at least 3 times before people will start to change. If you don't know this, you will just be frustrated. But knowing this will help you in leading the project, your clients, and probably yourself.

Leading is patience. You can talk about your dreams and your aspirations to try to guide and influence people, but if you really want to accomplish change, patience is what you need. If you do not want to be patient, you are not ready to lead in that particular area. 

I am not writing this to scare you away from leading. I am writing this to remind you of the fact that being a leader is to be patient. Also, asking every one to assist those who are trying to lead. Because change cannot be done by the leader alone.


<第5回> ルール















Rules need to exist in an organization. Rules need to be there as guide lines of "how to work" so that we can perform better, faster, and easier as a team.

I believe rules should be minimal so that each person can perform in their original way using their strengths and creativity and judgment rules should be something that will absolutely help each member and the team as a whole to function well. It should not be something that will restrict the originality and creativity of the individuals.

For example, those people who start from reading manual before using a new software or a new computer are probably not good as those who start to use it first, messes with it for a while, tries somethings, explore, then use the manual as necessary. Rules are to be used. Not to rule over individual creativity.

This is my approach to work, and so far this is our team's approach. I only comment about the rules when I believe the rule is necessary to be followed in a particular situation. 

I am not saying that this is absolutely the right way, but consider different approaches to doing things and the fundamental ideas behind the way things are done when thinking about intangibles.


<第4回> 変化しようとしていますか?

















Excellent companies can change things on their own. 

In this changing economy, a company that can re-invent themselves over and over will win. A company that cannot change themselves and tries to maintain their status quo will be surpassed by the company that can change themselves.

Change is not necessarily good. A well thought out change is good. Just as experience itself is not enough but evaluated experience is good. Change will inevitably face resistance. A well thought out change will overcome resistance.

I hope the change that our team will be making will be well thought out. The future of our company depends on it.


<第3回> 会社の目的


















What is the purpose of a company? Is it to make clients happy? Contribute to the society? Make employees happy? Or produce good returns to the owners?

I think all of the above is true and good. But it is obvious that everything starts from the team members who are actually working. The action of the team members are the key to a good company. Without good crew, the company cannot do any of the above.

But the company on the other hand does not exist just for the luxury of the team members.

If we take a boat for example, the company cannot be a cruise ship. Company cannot exist as a consumer. It hopefully has much bigger purpose and responsibilities. It needs to be a fast ship which assumes its responsibilities and at the same time the crew will realize its dreams through working together. Sometimes even going through hardships together. It is such mentality and action based the idea of contribution to each other that gives purpose to work life and makes work fulfilling. A company is a good functioning company when we all work for same purpose and help each other in that process. By doing this everyday, we will grow to a company that will impact the world in a positive way and bring happiness to many people.

I hope we can be such company.


<第2回> 目的は何ですか?















Not only do we have a purpose as a company, but we were made all for a purpose. Each of us have unique set of strengths that is very valuable. I believe that we were designed by the creator for a specific purpose. It is up to us to respond to His workmanship and fulfill our purpose of life.

Even if you don’t believe in the existence of a supreme being, a creator, I think we can all agree that it is still meaningful if we can know the purpose of life. Knowing your purpose and feeling that you are using your ability to the fullest will give you a deep sense of motivation and peace. Without knowing your purpose, life is like being on a boat in the middle of the ocean not knowing where we are going. It is fun sometimes, but in general, the voyage will be merely responding to the seemingly random daily occurrences. I think each of us should expect more from life.

What is your purpose?


<第1回> 早目にボールを投げていますか?














One of the concepts of the Two Miles Method is to make good passes. Making good passes is important for team sports such as soccor, baseball, etc., and is important for working as a team effectively and efficiently.

No one wants a pass to come to you when your opponent is trying to slide at you. You want the pass to come to you with enough time and with a receivable way. Work is the same. The moment you receive an assignment, the first thing you need to think about is how you are going to release it to others. It can be your teammate or client, but that needs to be contemplated first. No one wants to receive a bad pass especially at a bad timing.

The complicated thing about work is you will be handling a lot of passes. You always have to be on top of schedule and set your priorities. As you gain in knowledge and skills, you will be handling more. So the ability to make good passes becomes more and more important.

Working as a team is an important element concept of the Two Miles Method. Becoming a good passer is a fundamental concept of teamwork.

Are you a good passer? Are you on top of your schedule?
